Thursday, August 19, 2010

80's Night Bash

80's night was a big hit!  All age groups got 
involved and had a good time!

Some kept it classy...

while others, were just plain   

We saw Tom Selleck and...

               The Karate Kid!

Madonna made an appearance and took the time to pose for a picture with one of her groupies and a Callifornia Beach Babe!
The 80's King and Queen and their Goonie Wannabe offspring showed up too!
Totally Awesome Authentic 80's costumes...


Patty said...

I love all your 80's photo's, I love the one of Zoey and Jackson, being Don and I. cute! We are a crazy bunch aren't we!!

News of the Suttons said...

Totally awesome costumes! Sorry we missed it!

Cindy said...

Great idea, and so neat that everyone got into it. You looked great as Madonna. Patty looked adorable.:)